Detective Arthur Gowerstone is a legend. Although he travelled throughout Britain and Europe solving different criminal cases, his specialty is finding missing children and runaway orphans. Educated at Eton and Oxford, he had his choice of any profession, yet he had selected law enforcement: it was the pursuit, the chase, the task of figuring out his adversaries’ next move, outthinking them and finally capturing them. He loves the hunt. Gowerstone stands six feet tall with dark brown hair and an athletic build. He is brilliant, cool and unpredictable. He has never lost a case in his entire career, never failed to capture a villain or find a child. Never that is, except once. However, that had happened a decade ago, under circumstances that still haunt him. Detective Gowerstone is a portrait of refinement and elegance: fresh from Savile Row, he wears a perfectly fitted Gieves & Hawkes pinstriped suit, a crisp white Turnbull & Asser shirt, a light blue Thomas Pink tie and highly polished Church shoes. He also has a slight scent of Floris Number 89. He looks more like a movie star than a public servant.